5 Examples of Plumbing Emergencies

Water Leakage

Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time, and although sometimes preventable, you might not even realise that there’s a problem until an emergency occurs. At Matthews Plumbing, we offer 24/7 emergency plumbing and gasfitting services to give you peace of mind.

If you require an emergency plumber, then we are the ones to turn to. Here are 5 examples of common plumbing emergencies that we can promptly respond to:

1- Clogged Toilets

Often one of the most common plumbing emergencies that plumbers will face is clogged toilets! From refusing to flush to overflowing with water, clogged toilets can be troublesome to deal with. Remember to flush moderate amounts of toilet paper down the toilet, and never flush anything other than toilet paper!

2- Leaky Water Heater

If your water heater malfunctions or begins to leak, you’ll want to call a licensed plumber. A fault in your water heater can disrupt your water supply, and you could end up with little to no water in your home. Plumbers can assess the damage and provide solutions, including a complete replacement or part replacement.

3- No Hot Water

Having no hot water can be frustrating, especially during the colder months. A number of different reasons could be causing your water supply to only run cold, and only a professional plumber will be able to properly diagnose the root of the problem.

4- Burst Pipes

Corrosion over the years can cause burst pipes, which can release large amounts of water in a short amount of time. This is a serious (and damaging) plumbing emergency that requires immediate attention. Turn off your water supply and wait for your plumber!

5- Blocked Sink/Shower

From food and hair to chunks of soap, our shower and sink drains can easily get blocked, enabling water levels to rise higher than normal. This can affect your daily activities, from washing the dishes to simply showering.

When you need an emergency plumber, Matthews Plumbing has got you covered. With our 24/7 emergency plumbing service, you are guaranteed around-the-clock response to any plumbing emergencies that could arise. For more information about our emergency services, please visit our website or give us a call on 09 416 4084.